Evo 2: A Groundbreaking Biological Foundation Model

The language of life is written in DNA, a four-letter code that orchestrates everything from bacterial metabolism to human cognition. For decades, scientists have sought to decode this language, but its complexity – spanning billions of years of evolution and trillions of nucleotides – has defied simple interpretation. Enter Evo 2, a groundbreaking AI model that reads, predicts, and even writes genomic sequences with unprecedented precision. Developed by researchers at the Arc Institute, Stanford, NVIDIA, and other institutions, Evo 2 represents a paradigm shift in computational biology. Let’s explore how this model works, what it can do, and why it matters.

Genomes: From Prokaryotes to Eukaryotes

Life exists at varying levels of complexity. Even some of the simplest organisms have a genetic code that specifies their structure and function. For example, most bacteria have a genome written onto a single chromosome that is several million base pairs long and circular, meaning it forms a loop and lacks telomeres. In contrast, eukaryotic organisms like humans have linear chromosomes with telomeres that require a more advanced biological mechanism to facilitate replication. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes also exhibit differences in gene structure. Prokaryotic genes are relatively simple whereas eukaryotic genes are, as the paper authors note, “characterized by extensive noncoding regions, alternative splicing patterns, and multiple layers of epigenomic control.” While previous models focused primarily on prokaryotic genomes, Evo 2 subsumes genomes from all domains of life, allowing it to operate at a variety of scales and complexities. Evo 2 promises to usher in a new era of synthetic biology, enabling the design of full-scale genomes and epigenomes with applications ranging from biotechnology to gene therapy.

Data: The Fuel for Evo 2

Credit: Evo 2 Paper
Along with their model, the authors introduce the OpenGenome2 dataset, a massive collection of 9.3 trillion base pairs from bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and bacteriophages. The dataset is the largest of its kind and fully open-source under the Apache 2.0 license. As the charts above show, the dataset contains over 7,000 animal kingdom genomes, plus thousands more of plantae, fungi, and protista. Within those genomes, the data contains nearly 7 trillion base pairs (tokens) from eukaryotic genomes alone and dwarfs the size of its predecessor, OpenGenome1. The authors also did the important work of labeling important regions of eukaryotic genomes, such as those coding for mRNA and those involving promoters, exons, and splice sites.

The Architecture: StripedHyena and the Power of Scale

Credit: Evo 2 Paper
At its core, Evo 2 is a biological foundation model—a kind of “GPT for genomes”—trained on a staggering 9.3 trillion DNA base pairs from bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and bacteriophages. To handle this scale, the team engineered StripedHyena 2, a novel architecture that blends convolutional operators and attention mechanisms for efficiency.

StripedHyena 2 is a convolutional, multi-hybrid architecture that uses three different types of input-dependent convolutional operators:

  1. Short-Length Hyena Operators: these are explicitly-parameterized and are designed to maximize hardware utilization while excelling at local, multi-token recall.
  2. Medium-Length Hyena Operators: these are regularized and designed for efficient modeling across hundreds of tokens.
  3. Long-Length Hyena Operators: these are implicit and intended to “aggregate information over the entire sequence.”

The innovations in StripedHyena 2 warrant a blog post of their own, but this is the gist of how the hybrid model composes operators designed to target sequence modeling at varying scale lengths. This multi-hybrid approach allows the model to capture both local patterns (e.g., codon triplets) and global dependencies (e.g., gene regulation across megabases).

Needle in haystack experiment. Credit: Evo 2 Paper

Other Innovations:

In addition to the StripedHyena 2 architecture, Evo 2 boasts several other key innovations:

  1. 7B (trained on 2.4 trillion tokens) and 40B (trained on 9.3 trillion tokens) parameter model versions.
  2. Up to 1-Million-Token Context: Evo 2 processes sequences up to 1 million nucleotides long—enough to analyze entire human chromosomes or bacterial genomes in a single pass.
  3. Two-Phase Training:
    • Pretraining: Focused on functional regions (genes, promoters) with 8,192-token context-length.
    • Midtraining: Extended to 1M-token contexts using whole genomes, teaching the model long-range genomic syntax.
  4. Needle-in-Haystack Retrieval: The authors show on a synthetic long-context evaluation that the model can retrieve a 100 bp “needle” from a 1 million bp “haystack” with high accuracy in a random DNA sequence.

The result? A 40-billion-parameter behemoth that outperforms transformers in speed and accuracy, with an up to 1.3x speedup at 16K context length and up to 3x speedup at the 1M context length.

Capabilities: From Prediction to Design

Evo 2 isn’t just a passive observer—it’s a versatile tool for understanding and engineering biology. Previously, zero-shot mutational effect prediction was only possible for models trained exclusively on protein or prokaryotic sequences. Evo 2 extends this capability to a model that spans the entire central dogma (DNA, RNA, protein) and all three domains of life (prokaryota, archaea, eukaryota).

Zero-Shot Mutational Effect Prediction

Evo 2’s zero-shot prediction ability lets it score mutations without task-specific training:

  • Pathogenicity: Outperforms specialized tools like AlphaMissense in classifying ClinVar variants, especially for noncoding and splice-altering mutations.
  • Essentiality: Predicts gene knockout effects in bacteria and human lncRNAs with high accuracy, matching experimental screens.
  • Evolutionary Constraints: Detects conserved elements like ribosome binding sites and stop codons across species, even distinguishing genetic codes (e.g., ciliate vs. standard stop signals).

Evo 2 Likelihoods Correlate with Function

Credit: Evo 2 Paper
The researchers used deep mutational scanning (DMS) to assess whether Evo 2 model-predicted likelihoods corresponded to experimentally validated functional effects. They found that “Evo 2 is competitive with SOTA autoregressive protein language models in predicting the fitness of bacteria and human proteins.” Even more surprising, Evo 2 obtained SOTA results at predicting noncoding RNA fitness. Interestingly, the 7B model actually outperformed the 40B model at zero-shot fitness prediction.

Beyond simple fitness predictions, Evo 2 is also capable of performing a more nuanced measurement of differential phenotypic consequences associated to variants based on their type and genomic location. Key points include:

  1. Coding Sequences: Evo 2 correctly predicts that non-synonymous mutations, frameshifts, and premature stop codons are more disruptive than synonymous mutations, reflecting their greater impact on protein function.
  2. Noncoding Sequences: Deletions in essential noncoding elements like tRNAs and rRNAs have larger effects than those in less critical regions (e.g., intergenic areas), consistent with their biological importance.
  3. Model Sensitivity: The larger 40B model shows heightened sensitivity to deletions in regulatory RNAs (e.g., miRNAs, snoRNAs), suggesting it captures finer regulatory details compared to the smaller 7B model.
  4. Benchmark Performance: Evo 2 outperforms other DNA language models in zero-shot tasks involving human noncoding regulatory sequences, demonstrating its ability to model complex, “fuzzy” genomic elements.

Human Clinical Variant Effect Prediction

A): Overview of Evo 2 variant effect prediction. Variants are classified as one of ‘pathogenic’, ‘benign’, or ‘unknown significance’. B): Zero-shot performance on prediction of ClinVar coding variants. Credit: Evo 2 Paper
Every genome exhibits variation, and these variants account for a species’ phenotypic diversity. At the same time, variants can also be the source of genetic diseases. Variants are usually identified by comparing a given genome with a reference. However, even if a variant is identified, it is often difficult to predict its effect on an individual’s health. Luckily, Evo 2 is capable of performing zero-shot clinical variant prediction by considering the predicted changes in sequence likelihoods. Evo 2’s performance when predicting SNPs is competitive with specialized tools like AlphaMissense, ESM-1b, and GPN-MSA. For non-SNP variants, such as indels, in coding regions and for all types of noncoding variants, Evo 2 outperformed all the other models against which it was benchmarked. This benchmarking took place on the ClinVar dataset, which consists of a large number of variants with known pathogenicity.

C): Zero-shot performance on prediction of ClinVar noncoding variants. D): Zero-shot performance on SpliceVarDB. Credit: Evo 2 Paper
The authors also ran a second benchmark test on SpliceVarDB, a repository of experimentally validated splicing effects that are often more challenging to predict than those in ClinVar. Evo 2 achieved the best zero-shot performance on both exonic and intronic splice variant effect prediction.

Further experiments were performed on BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer variant datasets, but I’ll save those for a future post. In short, the researchers were able to leverage embeddings from Evo 2 model to perform more specialized variant effect predictions.

Peering Inside the Black Box: Mechanistic Interpretability

Credit: Evo 2 Paper
While deep learning models are often criticized for being opaque black boxes, Evo 2’s inner workings were dissected using sparse autoencoders (SAEs), revealing semantically meaningful latent features tied to biological concepts. The authors used a model called a Batch-TopK SAE on the model representations at layer 26. It’s unclear why layer 26 was used specifically, but the authors found that the learned SAE latent dimensions, i.e. the features, corresponded bo genomic building blocks and other biological concepts of intrest while also capturing embedded evolutionary signals. They found alignments between SAE latent dimensions with features that were “enriched in sequence segments containing a particular biological concept of interest,” a process referred to as contrastive feature search. Some key insights that arose from examining the features include:

  • Exon-Intron Architectures: The model autonomously learned features that activate preferentially on coding regions, enabling accurate genome annotation (even in woolly mammoths!).
  • Genome Organization: Contrastive feature search revealed features corresponding to “open reading frames (ORFs), intergenic regions, tRNAs, and rRNAs, in the E. Coli genome.”
  • Prophage Detection: A dedicated feature (f/19746) flagged phage-derived CRISPR spacers and annotated prophages in the E. coli genome.
  • Protein Structure: There exist corresponding α-helices and β-sheets, linking DNA sequence to 3D protein secondary structures.

These insights validate Evo 2 as more than a mere pattern matcher—it’s a knowledge engine that rediscovers biology from first principles. If you’re curious about exploring some of Evo 2’s learned features yourself, the authors have made available an interactive tool that allows one to visualize Evo 2’s mechanistic interpretability across 104 genomes.

Autoregressive DNA Sequence Design at Genome Scale

Credit: Evo 2 Paper
Evo 2 can autoregressively design DNA sequences that mirror natural complexity. Evo 2 shows excellent performance in gene sequence completion and even generation of entire genomes. For example, Evo 2:

  • Mitochondria: Generated 16,000-base mitochondrial genomes with correct numbers of tRNA, rRNA, and protein-coding genes, with protein complexes being predicted and validated using AlphaFold 3.
  • Small Prokaryotic Genomes: Created M. genitalium-like genomes (~580,000 bases) where 70% of synthetic genes matched known protein domains as measured against the Pfam database. Generated proteins were assessed to be high-quality with respect to ESMFold metrics, secondary structure distribution, and protein sequence identity. Genomes were generated autoregressively, using the first 10.5 kb segment of the M. genitalium genome as a prompt.
  • Yeast Chromosome and Eukaryotic Generation: Produced 330,000-base eukaryotic sequences with properly positioned promoters, introns, and tRNA clusters. Generated proteins were similar to those produced by natural yeast genes with regard to both sequence and structure.

Recent research has demonstrated the importance of the epigenome in regulating gene expression and cellular function. One component of epigenomic regulation involves the modification of the openness or compactness of chromatin, thereby controlling which parts of DNA are accessible to transcription factors and other proteins. The authors therefore sought to generate DNA sequences while specifying chromatin accessibility. Using an ensemble of Enformer and Borzoi models as “scoring functions” to predict how well chromatin accessibility matched a desired pattern, they optimized generations for specific epigenomic states—showcasing how AI can program biological function.
The resulting method used beam search to score partial generations and match chromatin accessibility patterns to the desired state.

Using this method, the researchers were even able to encode Morse code messages into the epigenomes generated by Evo 2.

Programming Morse code messages into the epigenome. Credit: Evo 2 Paper

Open Science and Responsible Innovation

The team released Evo 2 openly, including:

Safety measures were prioritized:

  • Excluded Pathogens: Viral genomes (e.g., HIV, influenza, etc.) were omitted from training to curb misuse.


Evo 2 isn’t merely a tool for biologists—it’s a testament to what’s possible when machine learning meets life’s code. By reading genomes at scale, predicting variant effects, and writing synthetic DNA, it heralds a future where we program biology as easily as we code software. As the model’s capabilities grow, so too does our ability to heal, innovate, and explore the frontiers of life itself.

For researchers eager to experiment, Evo 2’s models and code are available on Hugging Face and GitHub.

Daniel McNeela
Daniel McNeela
Machine Learning Researcher and Engineer

My research interests include patent and IP law, geometric deep learning, and computational drug discovery.